Your humble host

Your humble host
Greetings from the Major!

Monday, 30 March 2015

LA can be invigorating.

It's quite unusual to be obsessive on a subject and discover something so new, so fresh and so unexpected that it's totally invigorating.
But that's exactly what has happened by coming across Lucha Underground.
With the production values of a great tv miniseries, a dream roster and the best commentary team in the business this has it all. I'll certainly be looking at this gem in detail as the weeks go by but for now I'll leave it as this.
I've watched all 20 episodes and there hasn't been one poor match, far from it. Matches like "Grave Consequences" set the standard for innovative modern professional wrestling.

Watch this if you haven't already, you will be getting in the lift on the ground floor. This will soar.

Until the next time...

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